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PPK in English - free webinar for employees


PPK in English - free webinar for employees

28 sierpnia 2024

PPK in English - free webinar for employees

Do you work in Poland and not know what Employee Capital Plans (PPK) are? Join us for a free webinar, aimed at both new employees and those considering participating in the program. 

We invite you to watch the conversation between Skeptic and Realist about the advantages and the most frequently repeated doubts regarding the Employee Capital Plans. 

During the training you will learn

  • what makes up your savings, 

  • how to use your accumulated funds, 

  • how to increase or decrease your basic contribution, 

  • how to check your savings balance.

In 45 minutes an expert will give you a simple overview of the program, answering your questions as well. Your participation will be confirmed by a  certificate.

13.09.2024, 13:00 9:30 a.m. - click here to sign up

For employers

Do you hire foreigners? Sign them up for free PPK training for employees, conducted in English. Upon completion of the training, the participant will receive a certificate confirming participation in the webinar, and the employer's information obligation will be fulfilled!

We will explain, among other things:

  • how to log into a PPK account? 

  • how much can you save in PPK?

  • when and under what conditions can you withdraw funds from a PPK account?

We will also answer participants' questions asked in the chat!

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